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The New Normal – Shifting The Setting
For the past couple of years, many of us, individually, organizationally and communally – have been stuck in a state of “LUMU” (Living Under Maximum Uncertainty). Now it is also time to find ways to...
As Arrogant Leaders Continue To Rise – Here’s How To Deal With One
Most of us have worked with and at times for, people who are not as good as they think they are—the very definition of the word “arrogant”. There’s no shortage of arrogant bosses in the world. This...
China May Be Able To Help Russia’s Economy But, Does It Want To?
I usually don’t go off on a tangent nor do I share my views outside of my consulting business experiences and expertise. However, I am getting a little more courage as it relates to speaking your...
Manufacturing – A Key Element To Future North American Success.
Over the past twenty five years the decline of the United States and Canadian manufacturing industry has contributed to rising inequity and hurt the North America global competitiveness. A...
The Top Threats Facing Canadian Businesses Today.
Canadian organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of remaining relevant once we are through the COVID 19 pandemic and a new normal is established. Delivering value to customers,...
Conflict Resolution Skills For a Healthy Productive Working Relationship.
Conflict is a predictable part of all working relationships. As we get busy in our daily and professional lives and strive to achieve greater internal success we find that those who embrace conflict...
Leadership & Culture Change
As the global community began to emerge from the COVID – 19 pandemic, along came the Omicron variant challenging business leaders to re craft the foundation in which their organization must confront...
How To Adapt To Our Employee Shortage Dilemma
There are a few things in our life time that we don’t expect to see. Things like elephants flying, the Toronto Maple Leafs raising the Stanley Cup, a dog driving a car, a Green Party Member becoming...
In another drastic reminder as to how the labour market has become so distorted, the number of job openings in the USA hit an all time hire of 10.1 million in July and the Canadian job market...