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The Ten Deadly Sins of Speaking
Aw the human voice. It's the only instrument we all play and it's the most powerful sound in the world. The human voice can start a war, say I love you, praise or embarrass a person; it also allows...
Five mistakes leaders make when leading millenials
Three years ago, millennials became the most populous generation in the workforce. According to Forbes Magazine millennials now account for 70 million workers in the North America. As demographic...
Staying on top of your game as a leader
Fast as light computers, revised free trade agreements, global competitiveness, a more sophisticated and at times unpredictable workforce and a legion of environmental and human rights activists are...
How to be a great boss
Over the past 45 years I have worked for numerous bosses as well as myself. Over that period of time I have figured out a few characteristics that go into making a “GREAT” boss. Honesty, integrity,...
Management is (still) not leadership
A few months ago, I decided to attend a management seminar in Toronto in order to “stay on top of my game”. The seminar leader said at the start of the session that she would be using the terms...
The best laid strategic plans
Most companies invest a significant amount of time and effort in a formal annual strategic planning process but, many executives see little benefit from the investment. One manager told us,...
Lets talk change. A long time ago when I was in the process of obtaining my Technology Diploma and Engineering Degree, I was required to study Physics. It wasn't the most glamorous course and it...
Are leaders really psychopathic?
So are business leaders really cut from the same psychopathic cloth as psychopaths? Dr. Linda Ferguson, Chair of NLP Canada says; there are an inordinate number of leaders that demonstrate...
Understanding and coping with difficult managers
I have conducted countless management workshops in my professional life for various clients and the question that continuously is asked during the workshop is, “how do I manage my manager”? I...